From waterbaby70:
This tip might be a little different, but I think it has really helped me.
You know the sign you always see that say "Thank You For Not Smoking"... well I made my own sign and personalized
it. My sign says...
Charlie Thank You For Not Smoking! Your mouth thanks you Your throat
thanks you Your lungs thanks you Your heart thanks you Your body thanks you
This sign is on my fridge and in my bathroom, so I always see it. I also
put up a sign on my computer monitor. I think it helps, because it
gives a voice to that which does not have a voice. You can also personalize in any way, if you have kids, I'm sure they thank
you, maybe your pets, and so on. I also think posting your list of reasons to quit around the house helps too. It's just
there to remind you!
Hope that helps someone! Charlie =)
From iterri1962:
Water, water, water. I always kept one of those sports bottles handy and I would sip it whenever
I would get a craving. Also I kept a supply of hard candy and suckers handy.
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