Dealing With Withdrawal
Withdrawal from nicotine has two parts - the physical and the psychological. The physical symptoms,
while annoying, are not life threatening. Nicotine replacement can help reduce many of these physical symptoms. But most users
find that the bigger challenge is the psychological part of quitting.
If you have been using tobacco for any length of time, it has become linked with many of your activities
- watching TV; attending sport events; while fishing, camping, or hunting; or driving your car. It will take time to "un-link"
smoking from these activities. That is why, even if you are using the patch or gum, you may still have strong urges to smoke.
One way to overcome these urges or cravings is to recognize rationalizations as they come up. A rationalization
is a mistaken belief that seems to make sense at the time but is not based on facts. If you have tried to quit before, you
will probably recognize many of these common rationalizations.
- I’ll just use it to get through this rough spot.
- Today is not a good day; I’ll quit tomorrow.
- It's my only vice.
- How bad is tobacco, really? Uncle Harry chewed all his life and he lived to be over 90.
- You've got to die of something.
- Life is no fun without smoking.
You probably can add more to the list. As you go through the first few days without tobacco, write
down any rationalizations as they come up and recognize them for what they are: messages that can trap you into going back
to using tobacco. Use the ideas below to help you keep your commitment to quitting.
Avoid people and places where you are tempted to smoke. Later on you will be able to handle these with
more confidence.
Alter your habits. Switch to juices or water instead of alcohol or coffee. Take a different route to
work. Take a brisk walk instead of a coffee break.
Alternatives. Use oral substitutes such as sugarless gum or hard candy, raw vegetables such as carrot
sticks, or sunflower seeds.
Activities. Exercise or do hobbies that keep your hands busy, such as needlework or woodworking, that
can help distract you from the urge to smoke.
Deep breathing. When you were smoking, you breathed deeply as you inhaled the smoke. When the urge
strikes now, breathe deeply and picture your lungs filling with fresh, clean air. Remind yourself of your reasons for quitting
and the benefits you'll gain as an ex-smoker.
Delay If you feel that you are about to light up, delay. Tell yourself you must wait at least
10 minutes. Often this simple trick will allow you to move beyond the acute urge to smoke.
What you're doing is not easy, so you deserve a reward. Put the money you would have spent on tobacco
in a jar every day and then buy yourself a weekly treat. Buy a magazine, go out to eat, call a friend long-distance. Or save
the money for a major purchase. You can also reward yourself in ways that don't cost money: take time out to read, work on
a hobby, or take a relaxing bath.